Yoga asanas to boost immunity and strengthen lungs post-COVID | Lifestyle

COVID-19 is an infection of the upper respiratory system, which makes it crucial to strengthen the muscles of your lungs to cut down the risk of contagion and recover faster post-infection. This objective can easily be achieved by practising yoga regularly. Right from increasing your immunity to strengthening your respiratory system, yoga has several mental and physical health benefits, provided you choose the correct asana. In this video, Yoga Expert and Holistic Life Coach, Taarika Dave shows us some easy yoga asana and pranayama poses that people recovering from COVID should perform. These asanas gently stimulate the thymus gland, open up your chest to allow a better inflow of oxygen and gently activate the lymphatic system, thereby encouraging smoother drainage of lymph. Perform these asanas and pranayama 2-3 times a day and slowly increase the number of repetitions. Overstressing yourself can put additional pressure on your lungs and may lead to breathlessness.

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